
Ann Arbor Criminal Defense Blog


Huffing DUIs: Operating While Intoxicated by Inhalants

In Michigan, you can be charged with operating while intoxicated from huffing inhalants, which the use of solvent chemicals (glues, paints, gasses, etc.) to get high. This article discusses fighting OWIs involving inhalant use. What is Huffing? Huffing is the inhalation of a solvent chemical to become intoxicated. These chemicals…


Michigan Hallucinogen Law

What are penalties for hallucinogen related charges in Michigan? Read below for the state drug charges for hallucinogen drugs. What is a Hallucinogen? A hallucinogen is a type of drug that can cause hallucinations, such as perceptual changes, significant subjective changes in consciousness, thoughts, and emotions. For the purposes of…


The Medical Marihuana Facilities Licensing Act Will Shake Things Up in the Medical Marijuana World

Dispensaries will be the centerpiece of the new Medical Marijuana Facilities Licensing Act. Dispensaries (technically called provisioning centers) will be able to sell medical marijuana to an unlimited number of patients. December 15 is the first date licenses for new medical marijuana industry positions can be obtained. Five New Marijuana…

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